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2018-04-25 2213 0
Maki-San是新加坡一家寿司店的品牌研究。这是一个非常有趣和生动的方法来推广第一个定制寿司店的城市。一位新客户想要推出新加坡第一家完全可定制的寿司店。由于提供了多种新鲜的食材,食客们可以挑选和选择他们的手卷。“Maki-San”我们建议将商店命名为“Maki-San”,原因很简单:“-San”在日语中大致翻译为“先生”或“太太”,通过使用这个后缀,每个Maki都可以被独特的个性化。这个想法也延伸到运营:客户可以选择他们自己的滚动条。这个标志是由日本流行文化中常用的表情符号组成的。无尽的可能性。我们用手工绘制的蘑菇、牛油果、黄瓜和其他食材,设计了大量的图案,成为了Maki-San的主要视觉标识。这些主题在整个消费者体验中都得到了应用——就在包装上——为食客们提供了无尽的、有趣的选择。在一个叫什么名字?为了激发客户的创作灵感,我们制作了一些有趣的组合,比如“凯文的培根”、“Ebi Road”和“Curry-OK”。插图的Maki卷被挤出来显示其成分。在Maki-San,客户有能力排除任何他们不喜欢的成分。在墙上挂着一系列的海报,放大了这个介词。一些常见的罪犯被化身成日本漫画中的恶棍。《活力新加坡》的创意总监:潘恩林艺术总监:Esther Goh, Astri Nursalim, Gian Jonathan, Jack Tan, Pann LimCopywriter: Eugene Tan, Joseph DaviesIllustrator: Esther GohAccount导演:Dennis Lim品牌灵感寿司。

Maki-San is a branding study of a sushi store in Singapore. It's a very interesting and graphic approach to promote the first custom sushi store to the city. Check it out!A FRESH TAKE ON SUSHIThe client wanted to launch Singapore’s first ever fully customizable sushi store. Being offered a wide selection of fresh ingredients, diners could pick and choose precisely what went into their hand-rolls. “MAKI-SAN”We proposed naming the store “Maki-San” for one simple reason: the word “-San” roughly translates as “mister” or “missus” in Japanese, and by using this suffix, each Maki could be uniquely personified. This idea also extends to operations: customers can name their own rolls however they choose to. The logo is made up of emoticons commonly used in Japanese pop culture.ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES.Using hand-drawn illustrations of mushrooms, avocados, cucumbers, and other ingredients, we designed a myriad of patterns which became Maki-San’s main visual identity. These motifs were applied throughout the consumer experience - right down to the packaging - to play up the endless, fun options available for diners. WHAT’S IN A NAME?To inspire customers in their Maki creations, we created amusing combinations such as “Kevin’s Bacon”, “Ebi Road”, and “Curry-OK”. The illustrated Maki rolls were extruded to reveal their ingredients.onLY YOUR FAVORITES.At Maki-San, customers have the ability to exclude any ingredient they don’t fancy. This preposition is amplified with a series of posters which hang vibrantly on the walls. Some usual culprits are personified into villains straight out of a Japanese manga comic.Work by Kinetic Singapore-Creative director: Pann Lim Art director: Esther Goh, Astri Nursalim, Gian Jonathan, Jack Tan, Pann LimCopywriter: Eugene Tan, Joseph DaviesIllustrator: Esther GohAccount Director: Dennis Lim branding inspiration sushi