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2018-04-26 1542 0

Pixelarte is a design studio based in Valencia, Spain and they were responsible to develop the global corporate identity including the branding, packaging, guides and interior design for the Fitzgerald Burger Company also located in Valencia. Food tastes always and mostly better when everything is well-designed.For the branding creation process, we did a hand drawn lettering with brushpen, and also tailor-made illustrations for the product icons to build an original image, a little bit badass but with a premium vintage touch. A different place that brings us directly to New York's Soho heart.All Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelarteAll Rights to PixelartelinksMore info about Pixelarte: http://www.pixelarte.es/enFollow Pixelarte on Behance: https://www.behance.net/pixelarteVia Behance pixelarte inspiration visual identity branding Spain