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2018-04-25 3201 0
正如其名所说,视觉识别是一个公司对他们的观众和世界的形象,以及其他人如何看待这个行业。高效、有效的视觉识别的重要性在大公司中是众所周知的,而现在小型企业也正在迎头赶上,这一点从我们今天看到的一些惊人的结果中得到了证明。一个很好的例子是Pedro Paulino的装饰作品。视觉识别和网页设计,启动电子商务装饰。通过将创新和精心设计的产品组合在一起,这个品牌是通过深入研究他们销售的对象来创造的,使用不同的类型来展示。关于设计师:圣保罗的Pedro PaulinoBorn, Pedro Paulino毕业于FAAP的工业设计,经过几年的工作和学习,在工作室设计,他冒险进入广告公司。今天,他是Y&设计团队的一员,同时也是一名自由职业者,开发一些与平面设计、插图、照片和绘画相关的并行项目。作为一个好巴西人,他喜欢足球,周末经常去冲浪。

Visual identity, as the name says, is all about the image of a company to their audience and the world and how everyone else will perceive the business. The importance of an efficient, effective visual identity is well known for big companies and now small businesses are catching on as evidenced by some of the amazing results we are seeing today. A good example is the Decor8 work by Pedro Paulino.Visual identity and web design to launch the e-commerce Decor8. Bringing innovative and well designed products together, the brand was created by looking deeply to the objects they are selling, using different types to show the variety you can find online.about the designer: Pedro PaulinoBorn in Sao Paulo, Pedro Paulino graduated in Industrial Design at FAAP and after a few years working and learning a lot in studios design, he ventured into advertising agencies. Today he's part of the Y&R's design team, also working as a freelancer developing some parallel projects related to graphic design, illustrations, photographs and paintings. As a good Brazilian he loves soccer and usually go surfing on weekends.For more information visit http://pedropaulino.com/ branding inspiration logo