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2018-04-24 1352 0
Sweez:甜蜜和寒冷是位于巴西南部的里约热内卢Grande的一家快乐商店。这一令人惊叹的品牌标识是由Mauricio Cardoso设计的,Mauricio是一名设计师和插画家,位于巴西南部的Caxias。

Sweez: Sweet and Freezing is a delight shop located in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. The stunning branding identity was designed by Maurício Cardoso and Maurício is a designer and illustrator based in Caxias Do Sul, Brazil. Hope you'll like this one because it's beautiful!For more information about the Mauricio Cardoso, you can visit his profile on Behance.All Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio CardosoAll Rights to Mauricio Cardoso branding identity packaging brazil inspiration sweez mauricio cardoso