Alex Townsend是一位在新西兰和伦敦的艺术总监和设计师。亚历克斯在索尼、耐克、第四频道(英国)、YouView、微软等公司独立工作。这是索尼PDSG的品牌和身份,希望你能喜欢!我以同样的目标接近所有的项目,以提高产品超出预期的时间——作为初始过程的一部分,增加价值。

Alex Townsend is an Art Director and Designer ba
sed in New Zealand and London. Alex worked independently with companies like Sony, Nike, Channel 4(UK), YouView, Microsoft and more. This is the branding and Identity for Sony PDSG, hope you'll enjoy it!I approach all projects with the same goal, to enhance products beyond the intended brief — to add value and original ideas as part of the initial process.For more information a
bout the Alex Townsend, you can visit his site at and also check out his Behance.All Rights to Alex TownsendAll Rights to Alex TownsendAll Rights to Alex TownsendAll Rights to Alex TownsendAll Rights to Alex TownsendAll Rights to Alex TownsendAll Rights to Alex TownsendAll Rights to Alex TownsendAll Rights to Alex TownsendAll Rights to Alex TownsendAll Rights to Alex TownsendAll Rights to Alex TownsendAll Rights to Alex Townsend lo
ndon new zealand inspiration alex townsend identity branding