
Momkai is an independent, digital creative agency ba
sed in Netherlands. They combine clear design with solid technical realisation to create projects that truly inspire, inform and interact. And now we're featuring the branding & identity of a wireless speaker called Lowdi.Lowdi is a wireless speaker that co
nnects to any device equipped with Bluetooth, giving you music wher
ever you go. Lowdi is one of the smallest wireless speakers on the market. Lowdi is a collaboration between Present Plus, l
inkeet, and Momkai. We acted as creative partners on the project, creating the design and visual identity of Lowdi. We worked closely with technical partner l
inkeet in executing the hardware design, as well as facilitating the o
ngoing communication with Lowdi´s Chinese manufacturers.For more information a
bout Momkai and their inspiring portfolio, you can visit their website at Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to MomkaiAll Rights to Momkai momkai lowdi identity branding netherlands inspiration