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2018-04-24 1513 0
为公司甚至个人项目创建视觉标识总是非常具有挑战性和耗时的。它远不止设计一个简单的logotype,而是任何公司的品牌战略的基础。有了Maurer的身份,我们就有了一个很好的例子,一个由隐藏的角色创造的很好的视觉身份项目,从布达佩斯,HungaryWe为Akos Maurer Klimes设计了一个身份,一个获奖的匈牙利产品设计师和设计策划师。在创造身份的同时,隐藏的角色设计师经常在一杯咖啡旁边与Akos交谈。这种战略态度,人与人之间的两点之间的联系,是他们最初的灵感来源。在整个设计过程中,这种小动力对他们的工作产生了影响。在Vimeo上,从隐藏的人物形象设计动画电影标志动画。

Creating visual identities for corporations or even personal projects is always very challenging and time consuming. It goes much farther than just designing a simple logotype, but it's the base of the branding strategy of any company. With Maurer Identity we have a great example of an really well done visual identity project created by Hidden Characters, from Budapest, HungaryWe have designed an identity for Ákos Maurer Klimes an award-winning hungarian product designer and design strategist.While creating the identity, Hidden Characters designers regularly talked with Ákos next to a cup of coffee. This strategic attitude, the linkage between two points, between people, was their very first source of inspiration. This little momentum had an impact on their work during the whole design process.ProjectLogo Animation Maurer logo animation from HIDDEN CHARACTERS on Vimeo.For more information visit http://www.behance.net/gallery/Maurer-Identity/2385026 branding visual identity design process