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视觉识别:Kristian Tenneb的Dronninga

2018-04-24 1610 0

Our goal for 2012 was to focus on excellent work in all fields but with a special attention to Visual Identity. Nowadays design has become a great differentiator in terms of how people perceive companies and products in general. The visual identity is the first contact customer has with those and that's why we love it and will be posting more about that.In this post we will showcase Dronninga a beautiful Visual Identity work from Kristian Tennebø, a designer from Oslo, Norway. You can find out more about him at http://www.dinamo.noDronninga landskap is one of Norways leading landscape architects. To tell the story of craftsmanship and tradition, we made a labyrinth of the letter D, which became the most important element of the new identity. The classical labyrinth is a universal symbol for landscape arcitechts and can be traced back to medieval times. For them it represents a way of thinking and catalyst for how they attack their projects. As in nature, the feeling of touch and perspective, became an important feature in the new identity. Tactile uncoated papers, wide range of embossing, screenprinting, varnishes andall routed elements in their signage. visual identity logo design inspiration branding