企业和品牌标识不仅仅是图形,而是一个公司想要向观众表达的战略和形象。创建这种类型的工作需要对一系列设计主题的知识,包括颜色理论,排版,形式和材料。在这篇文章中,我想介绍一下我的一个好朋友罗杰·奥德尼的作品。这是一个叫做Taiama的企业的品牌标识。Roger说,Taiama是一只鸟的名字,它在水面上飞得很低,鸟喙的下半部分掠过水面搜寻鱼。这只鸟的形状和颜色是它的灵感来源,字体是以圆形为基础的,它遵循着符号的相同视觉语言。Roger OddoneRoger是一家位于加州旧金山的品牌和图形设计公司。他是位于山景城谷歌的高级平面设计师。他的作品曾在世界各地的杂志上发表过,他也是知名品牌的“Behance”用户之一。

Corporate and brand identity is much more than just graphics, it's all a
bout the strategy and image a company wants to express to their audience. Creating this type of work requires knowledge on an array of design subjects including, color theory, typography, form and materials. For this post I would like to feature the work of a great friend of mine, Roger Oddone. It's the brand identity for a business called Taiama. Roger says that Taiama is the name of a bird that flies low over the water surface with the lower part of the beak skimming the water foraging for fish.The shapes and colors of the bird served as inspiration for the stylized symbol of Taiama.The typeface was ba
sed on circular forms that follow the same visual language of the symbol.a
bout Roger Oddo
neRoger is a branding and graphic design ba
sed in San Francisco, California. He is Senior Graphic Designer at Google in Mountain View. His work has been featured in magazines around the world and also he is one of the top Behance users in Branding. For more information a
bout Roger visit his Web site at branding brand identity corporate identity graphic design visual identity