Roger Oddone是一位来自巴西圣保罗的设计师,专门从事品牌标识。Roger Oddone也是他的设计工作室的名字,专注于公司和品牌。与几个合作伙伴合作,他们还提供品牌策略、命名、包装和网页设计服务。

Roger Oddone is a designer from São Paulo, Brasil specialized in branding identities. Roger Oddone is also the name of his design studio focused on corporate and brand indentity. In collaboration with several partners they also offer brand strategy, naming, package and web design services. For more information a
bout Roger Oddoe work visit and brand identity TaiamaCorporate and brand identity SDPCorporate and brand identity Recife/OlindaCorporate and brand identity Grupo AthivaCorporate and brand identity SzusterCorporate and brand identity ZapCorporate and brand identity AmovaBrand identity Roger Oddone inspiration brand identity branding sao paulo brazil corporate identity