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美丽的brauntype 3D字体设计

2018-04-24 1468 7
有些项目很难描述它们有多棒,多经典。粒子(高阳)的字体是那些令人难忘的3D和版式之一。它只是一个字母表,但它是用工业设计的经典例子创造出来的,相当一部分来自布劳恩。从计算器到牙刷,你会发现各种各样熟悉的物体。我喜欢简单和干净的感觉。在为一些布劳恩的产品做了一些练习之后,我想做一些更有创意的事情,所以我设计了这些带有复古、现代和braunlike风格的字母。3 d字体排版3 d

There are some projects that are simply hard to describe how awesome they are. The Classic. Typefaces by Particle (Gao Yang) is one of those memorable 3D and typography posts. It is simply an alphabet but it's created by using classic examples of industrial design, quite a few from Braun. The result is quite awesome, from calculator to toothbrush you will find all sorts of familiar objects there. I love the simplicity and how clean it feels. Check out after the break.After modeling some Braun's products for practice, I'd like to do something more creative, so I designed these letters with this retro, modern and Braun-like style.3D Typography Typography 3d