3D艺术作品的质量水平一直让我惊叹不已。Dan N分享了这个令人难以置信的角色设计项目,花了他几个月的时间完成。它被命名为“Hulkbuster”,它是钢铁侠的铠甲:Mark XLIV。很难想象我们都能使用工具来实现这一层次的工作,更令人兴奋的是,你只需购买模型就可以在你的机器上渲染它。如果现在我们能做到这一点,想象一下10年后会是什么样子。最好知道“Hulkbuster”是我几个月前开始的一个项目。我这个项目的目标是看看我能在红移的内部推动阴影的程度,而不需要使用任何第三方应用程序,如物质,Mari。等。也可以看到我可以包含多少细节,而不做任何UVs,仅仅依靠红移的三面,曲率,AO,颜色层,混合材料,ect。要在电影4D内建造足够的着色器。其中一种材料的3D角色设计,包括程序污垢、灰尘、以及基于曲率和AO地图的缝隙中的污垢。关于反射颜色变化的程序设置有一点故障。还得到了一些共享设置的请求,所以我做了一个简化版本的下载。角色设计的3 d

It never ceases to amaze me the level of quality that 3D artworks have gotten. Dan N shared this incredible character design project that took him a few mo
nths to complete. It is titled "Hulkbuster" and it's the Iron Man Armor: Mark XLIV. It's hard to imagine that we all have access to tools to achieve this level of work and even more mind-blowing to think that you can simply just purchase the model to render it on your machine. If nowadays we can do this, imagine what 10 years from now will look like.Better know as the "Hulkbuster" was a project I started a few mo
nths ago. My goals of this project was to see how far I could push shading inside of Redshift, without using any 3rd party applications such as Substance, Mari. ect. Also seeing how much detail I could include without doing any UVs and rely solely on Redshift's Triplanar, Curvature, AO, Color Layer, Blend material, ect. to build detailed enough shaders all inside of Cinema 4D.3D Character DesignGraph for one of the materials, includes procedural grime, dust, and dirt layered in the crevices ba
sed off curvature and AO maps. A little breakdown of the procedural setup for the change in reflection color. Also got some requests to share the setup so I made a simplified version of it to download. character design 3d