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2018-04-24 1489 0
这几乎是2017年底,包括我在内的许多人将会努力把我们最喜欢和最好的工作放在一起展示。这是一个很酷的做法,因为你要在假期前结束和重新整理你的文件。也为即将到来的新年做一些清洁。我们正在看一看ILOVEDUST在他们最喜欢的3D类型项目中从商业、促销和基于pitchbase上的收集。ILOVEDUST是一个专门从事设计概念、插图、品牌标识和实验设计的专家团队。他们曾与耐克、红牛、Xbox、可口可乐等公司合作过。你可以在Behance网站上更多地关注他们的工作。室内设计3d cgi排版插画。

It's almost the end of 2017, many of us including myself will be working at putting together our favourite and best work of the year to showcase. It's a cool practice since you are closing and re-arranging your files before the holidays. Also doing some cleaning for the upcoming new year and start fresh. We are taking a look at this year's collection by ILOVEDUST on their favourite 3D type projects from commercial, promotions and pitch-based.ILOVEDUST is a team of specialists working in design concepts, illustration, brand identity and experimental design. They have worked with Nike, Red Bull, Xbox, Coca-Cola, just to name a few. You can follow more of their work on Behance.More linksLearn more about ILOVEDUST at ilovedust.comFollow ILOVEDUST's work on BehanceArchitecture & Interior Design  3d cgi Typography illustration