这是一张照片还是一幅画?在你看到一些Keng Lye的作品后问这个问题是很正常的,他画的现实主义水平是难以置信的。这个系列被称为“没有呼吸的活着”,它是由环氧树脂和丙烯酸涂料创造的。Keng使用一种基于日本艺术家Riusuke Fukahori的技术,他将用一种复杂的灌注树脂来绘制3D金鱼。这条鱼被画得一丝不苟,一层一层地画着,中间夹着一层一层的鱼,每一种生物都能看到更多的东西,类似于3D打印机的功能。我真的很欣赏作品的丰富深度和视觉上的幻觉,这是一个奇怪的过程,形成了一种绘画和雕塑的东西。我在2012年开始了我的第一个系列,所有的插图都是“平面的”,深度是用树脂和丙烯酸的分层来制作的,在插图的不同部分。今年,我开始研究章鱼,这纯粹是一个实验;我只是想看看我是否能把这项技术推广到更高的水平。在将丙烯酸颜料直接涂在树脂上后,我在这个例子中加入了一个三维元素,它是一个小石子,用于兰珠和章鱼。对海龟来说,我用蛋壳来做龟壳和丙烯颜料来完成剩下的部分。这里的整个想法是让艺术作品更有立体感,因此你可以从任何角度看得更清楚。我认为还有很多其他的技术有待探索。超现实主义绘画3 d灵感

Is it a photograph or a painting? It's normal to ask that question after you see some of Keng Lye's work, the level of realism on his paintings is incredible. This series is called "Alive without Breath" and it's all created by layering epoxy resin and acrylic paint.For more from Keng Lye visit his DeviantART Gallery and his Facebook.Keng uses a technique ba
sed on Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori who would paint 3D gold fish using a complex process of poured resin. The fish are painted The fish are painted meticulously, layer by layer, the sandwiched slices revealing slightly more a
bout each creature, similar to the function of a 3D printer. I really enjoy the rich depth of the pieces and the optical illusion aspect, it's such an odd process that results in something that's both a painting and sculptural.I started my first series in 2012 wher
e all the illustrations were “flat” and depth was created using the layering of resin and acrylic over the different parts of the illustration. This year, I started on the octopus and it was purely an experiment; I just wanted to see whether I could push this technique to a higher level. After applying acrylic paint straight o
nto the resin, I incorporated a 3-D element in this instance, it was a small pebble for the ranchu and octopus. For the turtle, I used an egg shell for the turtle shell and acrylic paint for the rest of the finishing. The whole idea here was to give the art work an even more 3D effect therefore you can have a better view from any angle. I think there are still many other techniques to explore.For more from Keng Lye visit his DeviantART Gallery and his Facebook. hyper-realistic painting 3d inspiration