我真的很喜欢人们对未来的描绘,包括那些巨大的建筑,飞行汽车和太空旅行。我们在电影中看到过,我们在书中看到过,现在,我们可以在可爱的电脑图形中看到它!再一次,CGSociety.org是一个找到令人惊叹的3D艺术的地方,为此,我选择了4位伟大的艺术家:斯特凡·莫瑞尔(Stefan Morrell)、詹姆斯·帕尼克(Jaimes Paick)、杰勒德·达米安·巴贝罗(Gerardo Damian Barbero)、亚历山大·普瑞斯(Alexander Preuss)。3d计算机图形景观场景。

I really love how people picture the future, with all those gigantic buildings, flying cars and space travel. We've seen it in the movies, we've seen it in books, and now, we get to see it in sweet computer graphics!o
nce more, CGSociety.org is the one place to find stunning 3D art, and for that, I've chosen 4 great artists: Stefan Morrell, Jaimes Paick, Gerardo Damian Barbero, Alexander Preuss. These are o
nly a few of their work, for more, please visit them at awesome CGSociety. Hope you like it. Cheers! ;)Stefan MorrellJames PaickGerardo Damian BarberoAlexander Preuss 3d computer graphics landscape scene