在我的生活中,电脑图形是我学习的一项重要的东西,因为我发现它太神奇了!技术已经发展到如此地步,从简单的像素艺术发展到令人惊叹的3d作品。那些想到这些的人都是真正的艺术家!这些是Toni Bratincevic的作品,一个超级天才的cg艺术家/设计师。当然,这些只是他出色的作品中的一小部分……更多信息,请访问他在CGSociety的投资组合!他一定会喜欢你的来访。还有,如果你有自己的3d作品,别忘了和我们分享!祝大家周末愉快。干杯!插图计算机图形三维。

Computer graphics are on my list of things to learn sometime during my life simply because I find it amazing! Technology has come so far that it evolved from simple pixel art to asto
nishing 3d pieces. The people that come up with these are true artists!And these are the work of Toni Bratincevic, a super talented cg artist/designer. Of course these are o
nly a handful of his fantastic work... for more of it, please visit his portfolio at CGSociety! He'll definitely enjoy your visits. Also, if you got your own 3d works, don't forget to share it with us! Have a great weekend, people. Cheers! ;) illustration computer graphics 3d