今天我们的教程/案例研究报告,我们带来了一个由我们的朋友Perttu Murto创作的艺术品,一位来自芬兰的平面设计师、艺术指导和插画师,拥有8年以上的经验。Perttu也出现在Abduzeedo的书中。插图是为芬兰DJ集团TJH87 制作的。他们想要一个带有神秘感觉的石头3D文本。插图由Perttu Murto 和Sami Kuronen制作。排版教程启发案例学习3d。

Today for our tutorial/case study post of the week we bring an artwork created by our friend Perttu Murto, a graphic designer, art director and illustrator from Finland with more than 8 years of experience. Perttu also was featured on the Abduzeedo book.Illustration is made for finnish DJ group called TJH87 (http://www.tjh87.com). They wanted a stone 3D text with a mystic feeling to it. Illustration is made by Perttu Murto (http://www.perttumurto.com ) and Sami Kuro
nen (http://www.samikuronen.com ).First experimentStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6Step 7Step 8Step 9FinalDetail 1Detail 2For more information visit http://perttumurto.com/ Typography tutorial inspiration case study 3d