Romeu,朱丽叶工作室位于巴西的阿雷格里港,拥有我所见过的最令人惊叹的2d/3d插图。非常细致的工作,看起来令人印象深刻,它的下巴下降,看一看,享受这伟大的灵感和一个好的案例研究。更多来自《罗密欧与安培》Julieta visit portfolio.romeuejulieta.netCase CE从Minas Gerais/巴西向Dominio Publico的代理公司工作。简报是用CaseCe的服务再现了一个完整的场景,例如巴西正在通过的基础设施的改造,以获得2014年的世界杯。平面设计- RS(里约热内卢Grande do Sul)的地图RSMap(图),案例研究,案例研究3d。

Romeu & Julieta Studio is located in Porto Alegre, Brazil and has some of the most amazing 2d/3d illustrations I have ever seen. Super detailed work that looks so impressive it's jaw dro
pping, take a look and enjoy this great inspiration along with a nice case study.For more from Studio Romeo & Julieta visit portfolio.romeuejulieta.netCase CE Work done to the Domínio Público's agency from Minas Gerais/Brazil. The briefing was reproduce a full scene with the service of CaseCe, like the transforming of infrastructure that Brazil is passing to receive the World Cup of 2014. Level Design - Map RSMap of RS (Rio Grande do Sul) StateBrasil Case Study illustrations case study 3d