《假画室》使用了一些旧的地图封面,这是在12世纪初由桑伯恩地图公司(Sanborn maps Co.)制作的。他们发现了这些地图,并爱上了这些类型的作品,所以他们决定用3D现代技术改造其中的一个旧封面。假工作室是一个设计,插图和运动图形制作公司,位于西班牙巴塞罗那。 3d图形设计灵感vintage。

Fake Studio worked with a few old maps covers made by The Sanborn Maps Co. edited at the beginning of the twelve century. They found those maps and fell in love with those type compositions so they decided to remake one of this old covers using 3D modern technics. Fake Studio is a design, illustration and motion graphics production company, located in Barcelona, Spain. Check out more of their work on http://www.fakestudio.tvOriginal Compositio
nProcessFinal Compositio
nDetailFor more information visit http://www.fakestudio.tv/fake/ 3d graphic design inspiration vintage