Mikael Eidenberg是一位自学成才的平面设计师和来自瑞典的3d艺术家。多年来,他一直很乐意与一些机构合作,例如:Forsman &Bodenfors, DDB, King, Lowe Brindfors, Ogilvy, Akestam Holst, Scholtz &朋友,还有许多其他的瑞典和国际品牌。我真的很喜欢他的3D作品,非常详细的灯光效果简直太棒了。VideoVideo 3d灵感来自Mikael Eidenberg。

Mikael Eidenberg a self taught Graphic designer and 3d artist from Sweden. Through the years he had the pleasure to work with agencies such as: Forsman & Bodenfors, DDB, King, Lowe Brindfors, Ogilvy, Akestam Holst, Scholtz & Friends & many others with both swedish and internatio
nal brands. I truly enjoyed his 3D work, it's very detailed the lighting is just simply superb. For more information on Mikael Eidenberg, check out more of this work on MikaelEidenberg.se or follow him on Twitter @meidenberg.VideoVideo 3d inspiration Mikael Eidenberg