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2018-05-02 1530 0
Joao Ferraz aka Lightshock是一位巴西设计师、插画家和艺术总监,专门从事3D和宣传活动。在这篇文章中,他将谈论他的每一个作品,并给你一些关于事情如何完成的见解。他的作品是绝对令人惊奇和精确的,所以看一看,欣赏吧!对我们的工作来说,这个工作无疑是一个巨大的挑战。它在15天内完成,最大的挑战是让机器人看起来既性感又现代,但不低俗。这是我作为艺术总监的第一份宣传工作。这部作品在戛纳电影节上获奖,从DM9到我的工作室打开了很多的门。这背后的故事很奇怪。我刚结婚,在去布宜诺斯艾利斯的蜜月旅行途中,我被DM9联系到这个工作,说我被批准了,我有一个星期的时间来完成它。这太疯狂了,因为我没有笔记本电脑,我也不能取消这次旅行。我最后买了一台笔记本电脑,花了我一半的蜜月工作,几乎没睡4天。这是一个伟大的项目,花了我们18天的辛勤工作,结果很好。这个我们已经准备好了,和所有不同的角色一起工作是很有趣的,这是由VitalinoConfeaThis所启发的,这是政府的一个项目,Agnelo公司对此负责。这是一个长期的项目,在Quad插图,有一个论坛,人们发表他们的意见在城市和我们应该如何计划他们。我们把这些想法作为简报,并提出插图。这意味着当人们发表意见时,城市将会采取它的形状,这将很快被释放。。我们在圣保罗做了Indycar之后得到了这个工作。我们给飞利浦配了一辆F1赛车。奇怪的是,这张照片实际上是用在汽车上的,因为要把它拍成3d非常困难,我们使用了佳能马克二世,完成了任务。本田FlexThis在DM9中为本田摩托车提供了新的Flex引擎。Indycar 2010这是一个巨大的挑战,我们有15天的时间来展示indy汽车,而且风景也不是很容易创造。Intel GuitarAnother为DM9所做的工作,在其中我们演示虚拟仪器,用于增加现实。这是很有趣的工作,我们喜欢这个结果。Ambev的听筒为Ambev培训生提供了3D不同的说法。最大的挑战是重新设计每个可以设计出真实的设计。这是我们为斯皮蒂所做的一场运动的图像。非常简单直接。SubzeroArt公司生产的一款名为Sub Zero da Antartica的啤酒的hotsite版本。这是一个非常酷的项目,我帮助了这个机构super可笑的做了。tok&,这是我们在Quad studio做的最具挑战性的活动之一。我们走近创建一屋子的元素与一个单一的纹理和这个项目出生,混乱代表他们没有任何tok&股票家具组织things.Tok&StokLater我们再次被邀请为他们工作,挑战更大,这一次的所有对象必须看起来真实的和有组织的。每幅图像都有超过200个物体,需要数小时的渲染。插图广告3 d

Joao Ferraz aka Lightshock is a Brazilian designer, illustrator, and art director specialized in 3D and publicity campaigns. In this post he will talk a bit about each of his works and give you some insights on how things got done. His work is absolutely amazing and precise so take a look and enjoy!For more from Joao visit lightshock.com.brRobot GirlThis job was definitely a big challenge for our work. It got done in about 15 days and the biggest challenge was to make the robot look sensual and modern but not vulgar. WWF ThreeThis was one of my first publicity jobs as an art director. This work was awarded in Cannes and opened a lot the doors from DM9 to my studio. The story behind it is very curious. I had just got married, on my way to the honey moon in Buenos Aires when I got contacted by DM9 about this job saying that I was approved and I had a week to get it done. It was crazy since I didn't have a laptop or neither could I cancel the trip. I ended up buying a laptop and spending half of my honeymoon working and barely slept for 4 days.BGourmet CopanThis was a great project, took us 18 days of hard work and the result was great.BGourmet RecifeOn this one we were ready for it, and it was a lot of fun working with all the differente characters that were inspired by Master VitalinoConfeaThis is a project for the government in which the agency Agnelo is responsive for it. It's a long term project on the Quad illustrations, there's a forum where people give their opinion on the cities and how we should plan them. We take these ideas as a briefing and come up with the illustrations. Which means that while people are giving out opinions the city will take it's shape and this will soon be released. The project can be seen at http://www.cidadecolaborativaconfea.com.br/Estadao NumerosThis was a simple take on designing a character in 3D.F1 PhillipsWe got this job after we did the Indycar in Sao Paulo. We illustrated a F1 car for Philips. The curious fact is that a photo was actually used for the car since it would be extremelly hard to make that into 3d we used a Canon Mark II and got the job done.Honda FlexThis was done for DM9 presenting the new Flex motors for Honda motocycles. Indycar 2010This was a great challenge, we had 15 days to illustrate the indy cars and the scenery wasn't very easy to create.Intel GuitarAnother job done for DM9 in which we illustrated virtual instruments to be used in an increased reality. It was very fun to work on this and we love the result. More info at http://www.intelmusica.com.br/AMBEV CansThis job was done for MPM Agency. Cans of Ambev illustrated in 3D different sayings for Ambev Trainees. The biggest challenge was to redesign each can design exactly how the real one is. SpeedyThis is an image from a campaign we did for Speedy. Very simple and straight forward.SubzeroArt produced for a hotsite release of a beer called Sub Zero da Antartica. ZeppelinThis was a very cool project, that I helped the agency Superludico get done.Tok&StokThis was one of the most challenging campaigns we have done in Quad studio. We were approached to create a room full of elements with a single texture and that's how this project was born, the mess represents the fact that they don't have any tok&stock furniture to organize things.Tok&StokLater on we got invited to work for them again and the challenge was even bigger, this time all the objects had to look real and organized. Each image has over 200 objects that took hours and hours of rendering. illustrations ad campaigns 3d