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2018-05-04 1311 0
在我和一些了不起的CG艺术家取得联系之前,我并不是一个巨大的CG迷,他们为著名的电子游戏做了一些令人惊叹的角色。在我看到Ian Joyner的角色后,我印象深刻,这个家伙真的很专注于他的工作,制作了一些非常棒的超级英雄和其他标志性人物。Ian在Blur工作室工作了一段时间,做了一些非常出色的charater建模,希望你能像我一样喜欢他的工作。“我是一个自由职业的角色艺术家,擅长人物造型,数字雕塑,纹理和设计。”我曾为下一代游戏、专题电影和产品输出/快速原型制作工作。我以前在Blur工作室做过4年的角色建模。在《迷离》(Blur)中,我做了很多事情,从故事片、电影和广受好评的电子游戏电影。我可以通过创造怪物,超级英雄和史诗般的战斗来实现我的童年梦想。3 d伊恩joyner灵感

I was not a huge CG fan before I got in touch with some awesome CG artists that done some amazing characters for well known videogames. After I saw Ian Joyner characters I got impressed, this guys is really dedicated on his job, making some excellent versions of some Marvels superheroes and other emblematic characters. Ian worked a big part of his career at Blur studio and done some extremely well done charater modeling as you can see below, hope you enjoy his work as much as me."I am a freelance character artist, specializing in character modeling, digital sculpting, texturing and design. I have worked on next-gen games, feature films, and product output/rapid prototyping.I was previously a character modeler at Blur Studios for over 4 years. At Blur, I worked on everything from feature films, ride films and critically-acclaimed video game cinematics. I have been able to live my childhood dream of making a living by creating monsters, super heroes and epic battles." (Ian's Website)If you want to know more about Ian, you can access his Website or his CG society profile. 3d ian joyner inspiration