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2018-05-04 1556 0
Evgeny Skidanov是来自俄罗斯莫斯科的3D插画师。我偶然发现了他的一些作品,当时我正在查看有关Dribbble的流行作品。他的一些作品纯粹是在Photoshop中完成的,就像漂亮的Bs-O-Meter,但有些作品是用3DS Max和V-Ray制作的,并在Photoshop中完成后期制作。有关Evgeny的更多信息,我强烈建议您访问他的网站http://cargocollective.com/skidanov。3d图标展示灵感莫斯科俄罗斯。

Evgeny Skidanov is a 3D Illustrator from Moscow, Russia. I came across some of his works while I was checking out the popular entries on Dribbble. Some of his works are done purely in Photoshop like the beautiful Bs-O-Meter, but some are done using 3DS Max with V-Ray and post production in Photoshop.For more information about Evgeny I highly recommend that you check out his Web site at http://cargocollective.com/skidanov. The full version is in Russian and you can check it out at http://portfolio.skidanov.com/#/commercial. I also recommend that you visit/follow him on Dribbble at http://dribbble.com/3DSMARTThe client wanted to present the block to investors on design stage, so I have to model and visualise the block rather quickly, and make it look like a studio photo at the same time. I wanted to make people believe that the detail had already been manufactured. I decided to use NURBS modeling to create a life-sized model as the customer had design drawings. When the model was approved I used maxwell render for photorealistic visualisation. The project has been fulfilled during 5 days. 3d icons illustration inspiration Moscow russia