就像我昨天向你们承诺的一样,今天也是3D的日子!但与明天不同的是,我觉得有必要采取一些行动。立体摄影是静态的,立体的有运动和人类,我不认为它会这么棒。我花了将近3个小时在YouTube上找到了最好的,我想我成功了。这让我很惊讶,但是YouTube的播放器里有3D设置,这很神奇,因为你可以看你喜欢的3D视频。你可以戴着3D眼镜观看,也可以使用帕拉尔图像或斜视,等等。这里有很多选项(你可以在文章的末尾检查一下它的说明)。这些都是令人惊讶的,我完全在制定计划,让一个更好的个人电脑为一些甜蜜的立体游戏体验。如果你还不知道我在说什么,请检查一下这些视频。你也会感到惊讶。就像昨天,这是一个介绍视频给那些不知道如何看3D的人。另一件事是:嵌入视频造成了一些人的3D质量损失,所以我在YouTube上放了一个链接,你应该在YouTube上看到完整的体验。这就是你如何在YouTube上观看这段视频,以获得完整的体验。在YouTube网站上,为了获得完整的体验,在慢速motion3D测试中,烟花交响乐团将会播放这首歌。3D动画电影《东京的海鸟》在YouTube上获得了完整的体验。《生化危机5》在YouTube上观看,以获得完整的体验。街头战士在YouTube上观看视频,以获得完整的体验。NBA 2K10 -迈克尔·乔丹在YouTube上观看了他的全部经历。《现代战争2》在YouTube上观看,以获得完整的体验。GTA在YouTube上观看了这段视频。如果你看了这些照片,你仍然认为最好戴上眼镜看,或者你根本没有看到这些,这里有一些关于如何在YouTube上观看3D眼镜的简短说明。你应该在质量按钮旁边注意到一个3D按钮。单击it.2。所有可能的选项都会弹出。如果你想知道这其中的每一个都做了什么,那就试试吧。但是对于普通眼镜,你可能想要使用第一个选项:红色/蓝色眼镜:全彩色。所以,这是它。我希望你喜欢这些。我真的很兴奋。游戏视频三维立体。

Like I promised to all of you yesterday, today is also 3D day! But differently from tomorrow, I felt the need for some movement. While stereographics are stills, stereoscopic has movement and man, I didn't think it would be this awesome.I spent almost 3 hours at YouTube finding the best of the best, and I think I've succeded. It got me totally by surprise, but YouTube actually has got 3D settings in its player, which is amazing cause you may watch your 3D videos however you like them. You may watch with your 3D glasses, or with pararel images or cross-eye also, and more. There are plenty options there (you may check instructions for this at the end of the post).These are so amazing that I'm totally making plans of getting a better PC for some sweet stereoscopic badass gaming experience. If you don't know what I'm talking a
bout yet, just check these videos. You'll also be surprised. Like yesterday, here's an intro video for those who don't know how to see these in 3D. Another thing: embedding the videos caused a loss of 3D quality in some of them, so I've placed a l
ink in the o
nes you should watch at YouTube for full experience.This is how you do itFlower bloomingWatch this on YouTube for the full experience.Fireworks Sympho
nyBig bird in slow motion3D testing mixWatch it at YouTube for the full experience.3D Motion TokyoMozilla SeabirdWatch it at YouTube for the full experience.Resident Evil 5Dirt 2Watch it at YouTube for the full experience.Street Fighter IVWatch it at YouTube for the full experience.NBA 2K10 - Michael Jordan dunks on ShaqWatch it at YouTube for the full experience.Left4Dead 2COD - Modern Warfare 2Watch it at YouTube for the full experience.GTA IVWatch it at YouTube for the full experience.InstructionsSo, if after watching these you still think it's better to watch them with glasses, or if you didn't get to see these at all, here's some brief instructions on how to watch it at YouTube with your 3D glasses.1. You should notice a 3D button right beside the quality button. Click on it.2. All the possible options will pop-up. If you wo
nder what each one of these do, just try them out. But for the regular glasses view, you'll probably wanna use the first option: Red / Cyan Glasses: Full Color.So, this is it. I hope you have enjoyed these. I sure did and got really excited by it. Cheers! ;) game video 3d stereoscopic