当使用2个颜色的眼镜(每个镜头都是一个颜色相反的颜色,通常是红色和青色)时,就会使用浮雕图像来提供立体的3D效果。图像由两个颜色层组成,叠加,但相互抵消,产生深度效果。通常主体在中心,而前景和背景则向相反方向移动。这幅图包含了两幅不同的彩色图像,分别为每只眼睛。当通过“彩色编码”的“浮雕眼镜”观看时,他们展示了一个完整的立体影像。大脑的视觉皮层将其融合为对三维场景或构图的感知。(维基百科)由于目前的电影和其他媒体的趋势是重新投资于3D技术,所以我决定给你看一组各种各样的anaglyphs图像是很有趣的。我希望你喜欢它们,不要忘记戴上你的3D眼镜,如果你没有的话,这里有一篇关于如何制作你的3D眼镜的帖子。这句话的意思是:“我的朋友们,我的朋友们!”我是Marcos Torres,一个来自巴西的19岁的艺术总监/自由职业者,我来这里给你们带来一些新的有趣的东西。3 d立体浮雕灵感

Anaglyph images are used to provide a stereoscopic 3D effect, when viewed with 2 color glasses (each lens a chromatically opposite color, usually red and cyan). Images are made up of two color layers, superimposed, but offset with respect to each other to produce a depth effect. Usually the main subject is in the center, while the foreground and background are shifted laterally in opposite directions. The picture co
ntains two differently filtered colored images, one for each eye. When viewed through the "color coded" "anaglyph glasses", they reveal an integrated stereoscopic image. The visual cortex of the brain fuses this into perception of a three dimensio
nal scene or composition. (Wikipedia)Since the current trend for movies and other media is to re-invest in 3D technologies, I decided it would be interesting to show you a collection of various anaglyphs images. I hope you like them and do not forget to put your 3D glasses on, if you do not have one here has a post on how to make yours.gajdosleventerelu65mikeinelcarlzonzephyrbartajustgregmfiratcarlzongray-macbookjkutianskiderda20petykesblackmagocheezy-mcbreezybillythebrainfauxquixotea
bout the Author Hey buddies! I'm Marcos Torres, a 19 year old art director/freelancer from Brazil, I'm here to bring some new interesting stuff to you. You can see my portfolio at http://flickr.com/marcostorres. Any request or jobs opportunities send to marcostorres90@gmail.com, also follow me on twitter to get in touch with cool design news. 3d anaglyph inspiration stereoscopic