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Marcelo Souza创作的3D动感作品

2018-05-02 1392 0
Marcelo Souza是来自巴西的3D动画师/多面手,拥有超过12年的生产流水线所有阶段的工作经验。从前期制作到最终合成。通过造型、索具、遮阳、灯光纹理、动画、剪辑、后期制作。正如他所说,“在巴西,我们不能只在生产的一个环节上工作”。我们必须永远做3D通才。马塞洛是我最伟大的灵感之一。他是在巴西的3D/动画/设计社区3donline的创始人和运营一个非常重要的网站。那是在21世纪初。这是一个非常活跃的社区,我从参与和分享想法中学到了很多。你可能已经注意到了,我来自巴西……我住在美国最富裕的国家之一。但是,不幸的是,这些钱都在政府手中,而我们这些诚实的市民们,每月都要承受高额的税收。(所以,我现在支付不起动画导师课程的费用。)这是由于缺乏金钱和时间(全职工作和家庭)。有些作品很有生命力,但从来没有坐下来,对它做了一些适当深入的研究。我有一堆动画书,时不时地读它们,但从来没有遵循任何动画训练计划。在Vimeo的msouza上,Campanha feita na O2FilmesLight Paint / Foto no escuro。在Vimeo的msouza上,喝咖啡休息-学习#2。裸体3DNakd - 3FM来自于Vimeo的msouza。GP2 - HBOI也很幸运地参与了这段动画。这是很有趣的,因为我已经改变了参与创作的过程。“光之路”的外观是由我开发的,由我制作。照相机和“成长中的树”也一样。总体设计是由我的朋友Chico Jofilsan设计的,我和Renato Ferro、Victor Hugo、Kleber Bertoldo一起工作。GP2 - HBO,来自Vimeo的msouza。NAKD - PRINCIPAL FINALMy First piece of Motion Graphics made at NAKD Studios。概念/导演Nando科斯塔。非常老的工作(2003年以前)。3距离和之后的效果。NAKD - PRINCIPAL FINAL from msouza on Vimeo。3 d灵感运动视频

Marcelo Souza is a 3D Animator/Generalist from Brazil with more than 12 years of experience working at all stages of the production pipeline. From the pre-production to the final compositing. Passing through the modeling, rigging, shading, lighting texturing, animation, editing and post production of the piece. As he says"In Brazil we are not able to work just on a single step of the production". We have to work always as 3D Generalists."Marcelo was one of the greatest inspirations I had to start Abduzeedo. He was the founder and ran a very important site in the 3D/Animation/Design community in Brazil called 3donline. That was in the early 2000s. It was a very active community and I learned a lot from participating and sharing ideas with those guys. As you may have noticed, i am from Brazil... I live in one of the biggest/richest countries on America. But, unfortunatelly, the money is on the governments hands, and we, honest citzens, just suffer month-by-month, with high taxes. :(So,i just cannot afford to pay for Animation Mentor Classes right now. It's about lack of money and time for it (Fulltime job and family).Some worksI like a LOT to animate, but never sat down and did some proper and deeper study on it. I have a bunch of animation books, and read them from time to time, but never followed any animation training program.VideosRio2016 - Campanha feita na O2FilmesLight Paint Light Paint / Foto no escuro from msouza on Vimeo.Coffee BreakCoffeeBreak - Study #2 from msouza on Vimeo.Naked 3DNakd - 3FM from msouza on Vimeo.GP2 - HBOI was fortunate to work on that piece of animation too. It was very fun cause i have change to participate on the creation process of it. The look of the "light path" was developed by me and animated by me. The Camera and the "Growing Tree" too. The overall design was made with my friend Chico Jofilsan (vimeo.com/user1701592), and i've workd with Renato Ferro, Victor Hugo, Kleber Bertoldo.GP2 - HBO from msouza on Vimeo.NAKD - PRINCIPAL FINALMy First piece of Motion Graphics made at Nakd Studios. Concept/Directing by Nando Costa. Very old Job (Made before 2003). 3DMax and After Effects.NAKD - PRINCIPAL FINAL from msouza on Vimeo.DemoReel // 2007For more information about Marcelo Souza and his full portfolio, with lots of works and experiments, we highly that you check out his website at http://m-souza.com/. 3d inspiration Motion video