我之前提到过,我2010年的目标之一是练习和学习更多关于3D的知识,尤其是电影4D和Photoshop CS4和新的CS5的3D功能。上周,当我准备每天的灵感时,我发现了来自伦敦的数字艺术家杰夫·奥斯本(Jeff Osborne)的作品,他创作了一些令人惊叹的3D版式作品。杰夫使用电影4D和Photoshop处理他的大部分作品。我喜欢他使用的照明,尤其是“让灯”工作。同样,“错误的”和“错误的2”也让人印象深刻,因为我们的社会公开批评让孩子们生活在贫困之中。你会发现其他的作品不一定是3D排版。为了孩子的慈善事业,创作了用电影4D和PhotoshopWRONG为儿童慈善机构制作的电影4D,并在Photoshop中合成。其他的WorksA小测试,看看新的高级渲染器在电影4D R11灵感排版3d中可以做什么。

I mentio
ned before that one of my goals for 2010 is to practice and learn more a
bout 3D, especially Cinema 4D and the new 3D features in Photoshop CS4 and the new CS5 that is right around the corner. Then last week, when I was preparing the Daily Inspiration, I discovered the work of Jeff Osborne, a digital artist from Lo
ndon who creates some amazing 3D typography works.Jeff uses Cinema 4D and Photoshop for most of his compositions. I love the illumination that he uses, especially the "Let there be light" work. Also the "Wrong" and "Wrong 2" are quite impressive because of the open criticism to our society allowing children to live in poverty.For more information visit Jeff's Behance profile. You will find other works that are not necessarily 3D typography.WRo
nGCreated for a children's charity, Composition created used Cinema 4D and PhotoshopWRONG 2Created for a Children's Charity using Cinema 4D and composited in Photoshop.Other WorksA little test to see what the new Advanced renderer can do in Cinema 4D R11 inspiration Typography 3d