每周一我们都会发布Photoshop和其他应用的教程。教程的想法是,我们更多地练习,尝试不同的东西,我们只能通过个人的项目来做。这是《遇见梅琳》的例子,这是一部独立的3D短片,由弗吉尼亚·戈恩斯(Virginie GOYONS)和塞巴斯蒂安·拉班(Sebastien LABAN)创作,他们的业余时间看起来简直太棒了。《遇见梅林》讲述了一个名叫梅琳的小女孩的故事,她将面对一个非同寻常的事件。一个奇怪的小生物将出现在她的生命中。从这个小女孩的观点来看,这个故事很不寻常。小薇吉妮GOYONS,塞巴斯蒂安·拉班(Sebastien LABAN)在我们的业余时间(晚上和周末)工作了一年半后,正在“与梅兰妮见面”。我们已经完成了所有的前期制作,包括剧本,概念,previz,人物和布景设计,声音研究等等。我们现在正在制作,制作了26个独立的镜头,组成了6分钟的3d动画电影。在一部独立的3D动画短片《Meet Meline》(Meet Meline)、Virginie GOYONS和Sebastien LABAN历时两年的紧张工作之后,这部预告片让预告片更能让你看到更多的短片。我们很荣幸向大家展示46秒的视频,这是由纪尧姆·鲁塞尔创作的官方音乐《遇见麦林》。与MELINE(2009) - - -来自Sebastien LABAN在Vimeo的预告片。我们想要和Meline见面,或者和Meline自己说,是关注她这个年龄的女孩的情感。一个孩子在玩耍,一个孩子在动,一个孩子在看,一个孩子的想法是不能让你无动于衷的。它充满了生命和欢乐,就像一个神奇的盒子。即使他们不快乐,或者有什么事困扰着他们,一个孩子是如此迷人的看着!他们敏捷、热情、活泼;它们很有表现力,你可以看着它们生活或思考。这就是我们要创建的。视频案例研究动画3d。

Every Mo
nday we have been posting tutorials for Photoshop and other apps. The idea of the tutorials is that we practice more and try different things that we can o
nly do through perso
nal projects. That's the case of Meet Meline, an independent 3D short film that's being created by Virginie GOYONS and Sebastien LABAN in their spare time that looks simply fantastic."Meet Meline" tells the story of little girl, named meline, that will be faced with an extraordinary event. A strange little creature will appear on her life. The story follow this unusual encounter from the little girl's point of view.Virginie GOYONS & Sebastien LABAN are working on "Meet Meline" since a year and a half now during our spare time (nights and weekends).We've completed all the pre-production including s
cript, concepts, previz, characters and sets design, sound research etc. We are now on production, working on the 26 individual shots that compose the 6 minutes long 3d animated film.The TrailerAfter two years of intense work on an independent 3D animated short film called "Meet Meline", Virginie GOYONS and Sebastien LABAN made the teaser/trailer to show you a little bit more of the short film. We're proud to present you the 46-seconds-video with the official music of "Meet Meline", composed by Guillaume ROUSSEL!MEET MELINE (2009) - TRAILER from Sebastien LABAN on Vimeo.What we’re trying to get with “Meet Meline”, or should I say with Meline herself, is to focus on the emotions a girl of her age is havin
g. A kid playing, a kid moving, a kid looking, a kid thinking is something that can’t leave you indifferent. It’s so full of life, of joy, it’s like a magic box that lives on its own. Even when they are not happy, or that something is bothering them, a kid is so fascinating to look at! They are quick, eager, lively; They are very expressive, you can literally watch them live or think. That’s what we’re trying to create here.The Making OfThis is a 12-minutes featurette with behind-the-scenes footage, interviews, talks a
bout the story, the characters and the environments, shot breakdowns and much more : the Art of making a short film!MEET MELINE : THE MAKING OF (Sebastien Laban and Virginie Goyons) from Sebastien LABAN on Vimeo.We maintain a production blog that can be visited here: Visit the Production Blog As we progress on the film, we are posting screenshots & making of the film. There's also some test animations or even final renders. Animation Test 1Meet Meline (2009) - Animation Test #1Enviado por ssebastienn. - Televisão clássica onlineStills"This is the perso
nnal space of Meline! She spends most of her time drawing a strange little creature. My wife Virginie was respo
nsible to create all the elements in 3D, and I lit and shot the complete scene!""Such a dark place! Meline seems confused. What to do? Entrer in it or not? ... My wife Virginie was respo
nsible to create all the elements in 3D, and I lit and shot the complete scene!"More Informatio
nFor more information a
bout the project we highly recommend that you check out the sites below:THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.meetmeline.comTHE PRODUCTION BLOG: Production BlogTHE FACEBOOK GROUP: Facebook GroupTHE CREATORS: Virginie GOYONS & Sebastien LABANAlso, I'd like to thank Marjorie for the suggestion via email. You can send suggestions as well, just send us an email to this address abduzeedo@abduzeedo.com sharing your finds. video case study animation 3d