在过去的一年里,我们在博客上展示了这些人。随着他们网站最近的更新,有一项新的工作需要更密切的关注,因为对细节的关注和排版的概念都是由自己的机器设计的。目前在新加坡,机械东方是一个由两名设计总监Rezaliando和Fizah Rahim组成的团队,专门从事艺术指导,3D插画,印刷,品牌和设计。我们是Machineast。

In the past year, we have featured these guys on the blog. And with the recent update of their site, there's a ton new work that needs a closer look since the level of attention to details and typography co
ncepts are highly aesthetic by the very own Machineast. Currently ba
sed in Singapore, Machineast is a team of two design directors Rezaliando and Fizah Rahim that specializes in art direction, 3D illustration, typography, branding and design.We are Machineast.For more information check out: http://machineast.com Typography 3d digital art