我真的很喜欢看到一套漂亮的3D呈现出一个令人惊叹的建筑项目。一些设计师是真正的艺术大师,像下面这样的建筑场景,一些如此完美,以至于人们可能会把它误认为是照片。迈克尔·诺瓦克(Michael Nowak)是一名德国设计师,他设计了一套可爱的3D建筑场景。3d计算机图形学架构。

I really enjoy seeing a nice set of 3D renders showing an amazing architecture project. Some designers are true masters of the art of building scenes like these below, some so perfect that one might mistake it by a photograph.Michael Nowak, a German designer, has a sweet set of 3D renders of architecture scenes. This is o
nly a handful of his pieces! For more of his amazing renders you may visit his portfolio at ArtStation! I hope you enjoy these as much as I did! Cheers. ;) 3d computer graphics architecture