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2018-05-11 1541 0
当一个设计师设计出一个甜美的用户界面时,我真的很享受。谁不喜欢使用具有漂亮界面的应用程序?我知道我做的!Mario Tran Phuc是一名德国设计师,他的想法是为电影4D设计一个3D噪音调色板。在这里你可以看到这个想法的部分成果。非常棒,非常详细。我很乐意使用一款看起来不错的应用。

I really enjoy when a designer comes up with a sweet user interface. Who doesn't enjoy using an application with a beautiful interface? I know I do! Mario Tran Phuc is a German designer that had the idea of designing a 3D noise palette for Cinema 4D.Here you can see part of the outcome of that idea. It's pretty awesome and very detailed. I'd love to use an app that looks this good. For more of Mario's work, please visit his portfolio at Behance! I hope you enjoy these. Cheers! ;) 3d computer graphics