nzalo Ausejo的作品。冈萨洛提出了一个叫低聚水果的系列,他开发了一些很好的,低聚,但多汁的水果。这是一个伟大的想法,而这些实际上看起来就像是来自外星星球的水果,自然界是低聚的。我希望你和我一样喜欢这些!多边形低聚计算机图形3d。

There are some design styles that I'd really love trying at some point. One of these styles is low poly modeling, a method that truly delivers some super nice results, like the work of Peruan designer Go
nzalo Ausejo.Go
nzalo came up with a series called Low Poly Fruits, in which he developed some very nice, low poly, yet, juicy fruits. A great idea, and these actually look like fruits from an extraterrestrial planet in which nature is somewhat low poly. For more of his work, please visit his portfolio at Behance. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did! Cheers. ;) polygons low poly computer graphics 3d