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Pascal Blanche的独特艺术作品

2018-05-11 2465 0
我已经保存了很长时间,但是出于某种原因,我之前没有发布它。这是加拿大艺术家Pascal Blanche的独特作品。他有一流的艺术品,真的值得一看!Pascal是Ubisoft蒙特利尔的艺术总监和自由插画家。他拿出了惊人的作品,展示了他的脑袋里的空间场景,这真是太棒了。他有一种非常独特的风格,把3D元素和一个非常具体的调色板混合在一起。像往常一样,这些只是Pascal的一些工作……

I've been saving this for a long time, but for some reason I didn't publish it before. It's the unique work of Canadian artist Pascal Blanche. He's got superb pieces of art, really worth checking out!Pascal is an Art Director at Ubisoft Montreal and a freelance illustrator. He comes up with astonishing pieces showing space scenes born in his head, which is pretty awesome. He's got a very unique style, mixing 3D elements with a very specific color palette. As usual, these are only a handful of Pascal's work... for more of it, you may find him at his website, his tumblr and at his ArtStation portfolio. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did! Cheers. ;)PUNKETTOdysseusBlackstyleghostshipExplorersShipwreckOrchidSentinelUtherWatcherNomadRoboticaHuntermoonDinoBluesKingCrabthe agents computer graphics illustration 3d