我真的很喜欢当一个艺术家使用一种技术——某种程度上有某种特定的结果——来制造与它截然不同的东西。如果你认为三维渲染可以想象复杂的电脑生成的世界,但里卡多·泽马给出了漂亮的、诙谐的插图。这些看起来几乎像2D,但它们的深度增加了很多。在木结构的RobotsDesert haven早餐中,在Foggy LakeThe Orange robot毛茸茸的角色3d三维建模计算机图形。

I really love when an artist uses a technique - that would somewhat have a particular outcome - to make something very different from it. If you think of 3D renders you might imagine complex computer generated worlds, but Riccardo Zema comes up with nice, witty illustrations.These look almost like 2D, but they got a little depth that adds so much to the composition. Very, very nice touch! For more of Mr. Zema's work, please visit his awesome portfolio at Behance! He'll definitely enjoy your attention! Cheers. ;)Abductio
nWithin the woodsStylized RobotsDesert HavenBreakfast At Foggy LakeThe Orange RobotFurry Characters 3d 3d modeling computer graphics