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2018-05-10 1811 10
我真的很喜欢看badass的雕塑…但是,当一位艺术家创作出像巴西艺术家Guzz Soares这样的3D雕塑作品时,这简直是一种疯狂。这些都是非常详细的,以至于他们在他们身上都有了指纹印,这就是mindblowing!向艺术家致敬,如此注重细节!这只是一些Guzz的艺术品。

I really enjoy seeing badass sculptures... but it's totally rad when an artist comes up with clay looking 3D sculptures like these by Brazilian artist Guzz Soares. These are so detailed that they actually got fingerprint marks on them, which is mindblowing! Kudos to the artist for such attention to detail!These are only a handful of Guzz's artworks. For more of his pieces, please visit his portfolio at Artstation. He'll definitely like it! Enjoy. Cheers! ;)Little GirlHermione GrangerChun-LiJack SparrowMichael JacksonLazy DayGoku (Kakaroto)Mario (Mario Bros.)Flapjack and Captain K'nucklesLord Voldemort / You know whoFinn and JakeAmy Farrah FowlerWalter WhiteGus FringDick DastardlyWile E. Coyote and The Road RunnerGagaBean computer graphics digital art 3d character design