Noelia Lozano是西班牙马德里的一名自由设计师;她的主要工作是造纸术,CGI和3D。在新闻、电信、计算机系统的背景下,在连续剪辑设计工作室里度过了一段时间,Noelia与国际客户合作,如:Havaianas, Vodafone, computer Arts等。享受这清新而有创意的收藏!

Noelia Lozano is a freelance designer ba
sed in Madrid, Spain; she is primary working in Papercraft, CGI and 3D. With a background in journalism, telecommunications, computer systems and spent a time at Serial Cut Design Studio, Noelia has worked with internatio
nal clients such as: Havaianas, Vodafone, Computer Arts and more. Enjoy this refreshingly and creative collection!All Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia LozanoAll Rights to Noelia Lozanol
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bout Noelia Lozano: Follow Noelia on Behance: Noelia on Twitter: Behance papercraft cgi 3d inspiration Spain noelia lozano