
There's no limit to our imagination and with the right tools and drive we can translate our most creative ideas into beautiful artwork. For this week's case study we feature a project titled 'Harmful Nature' from our friends over at Lightfarm Studios. We featured this image for the wallpaper of the week and on this post we've decided to give you a little sneak peek behind the scenes, enjoy.Harmful Nature is the new promo video from Lightfarm Studios. Co
nceptually the image brings a dark and tragic me
taphor a
bout the impossible love with the classic tale of the Diver and the Mermaid. Along one mo
nth we used the latest 3D technology in cloth simulation on this piece wher
e everything was modelled, from the ship wreck to the corals. The model was shot in a diving pool for the best realistic results as possible to seamlessly blend photography and 3D. From the underwater shooting session to post production we blended all of our knowledge in 3D and post production into a piece that is as real as dark, always aiming at breaking our own limits as artists.Video Harmful Nature - Making of from Lightfarm Studios on Vimeo.For more information visit http://www.lightfarmbrasil.com/ case study 3d photoshop tutorials