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2018-05-10 1641 0
真正的战争是一件可怕的事情,但毫无疑问,战斗机是美丽的飞禽。从老古董到现代飞机,很难不去欣赏这些机器的设计和卓越。在打了很多战雷之后,我更喜欢这些了。Anders Lejczak,一名瑞典艺术家,他提出了一些出色的战斗机的渲染,有些非常逼真,有人可能会误以为是真实的照片。看看这些有多棒……我真的很喜欢安德斯完美地捕捉到速度的感觉。计算机图形三维飞机喷气式战斗机。

Real war is a terrible thing, but without any doubt fighter jets are beautiful, flying beasts. From the oldies to modern jets, it's hard not to appreciate the design and awesomeness of these machines. And by playing a lot of War Thunder, I came to love these even more.Anders Lejczak, a Swedish artist comes up with some splendid renders of fighters jets, some so incredibly realistic that one might mistake by actual pictures. Check it out how great these are... I really love how Anders captures the sense of speed so perfectly. These are only a few of his pieces, for more, please visit his portfolio at DeviantART. Cheers! ;) computer graphics 3d airplanes jet fighter