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Stefan Morrell的3D未来主义作品

2018-05-09 2167 5
周末在这里庆祝,一套很棒的3D作品!让我们来看看Kiwi艺术家Stefan Morrell的未来主义愿景。他有一套很棒的作品!在这里你可以看到他对科技未来的憧憬。有时非常绿色和平,有时又有点乱,非常拥挤。我必须说,我真的很喜欢这最后一个,因为它让我想起了《银翼杀手》。你觉得他的作品怎么样?3d计算机图形。

The weekend is here and to celebrate it, an awesome set of 3D works! Let's check the futurist vision of Kiwi artist, Stefan Morrell. He's got a fantastic set of works!Here you can see his vision of a technological future. Sometimes very green and peaceful, other times kinda messy and super crowded. I must say I really enjoy this last one better, because it reminds me a lot of Blade Runner. How do you like his pieces? For more of it, please visit his portfolio at CGSociety! Also, if you got your own 3D pieces, share it with us in the comments section. Cheers! ;) 3d computer graphics cgi