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由Lex Wilson设计的3D插画

2018-05-09 1244 0
Lex Wilson是一位来自英国剑桥的插画家和图形设计师,目前在伦敦。他在诺丁汉特伦特大学(Nottingham Trent University)学习,毕业于巴设计学院(BA Design),他也是一名强迫症的插画师,当我们看到他的作品,尤其是在印刷字体方面的作品时,这一点可以非常清楚。我特别喜欢3D排版系列,这是一系列的类型的实验,主要是3D和透视。3d版式插图灵感。

Lex Wilson is a illustrator and graphic designer from Cambridge, UK - currently based in London. he studied at The Nottingham Trent University where he graduated in BA Design he is also an obsessive compulsive illustrator, that can be pretty clear when we see his work especially playing with typography. I particularly love the 3D Typography series which is a series of experiments with type, mainly in 3D and with perspective.For more information about Lex visiting:BehanceFlickrTwitter 3d Typography illustration inspiration