在这个案例中,你将一步一步地学习这张图片是如何创建的,包括3d, photoshop,和摄影。作者还叙述了一切是如何完成的,这样你就可以理解所有的过程。蒂姆向我们提出了一个巨大的挑战:在一场足球比赛中重建一个球场,球场上的球员会被一大群人围观。我们还需要在两队球迷之间保持对称的平衡。制作的第一部分是决定如何以一种看起来不像任何一个球队的体育场的方式来建造体育场,使它成为一个中立的场地。经过对理想体育场的长期研究,我们意识到现代体育场非常相似,我们选择了3D,这样我们就可以创造自己的场馆,而不是复制一个已经存在的体育场。一旦我们对体育场进行了建模,我们就需要增加球迷的生活,让球场看起来尽可能地充满活力,两个人都在中间。我们使用3D的结果是令人难以置信的,我们能够让成千上万的人在体育场里充分发挥自己的能力。但是这个场景仍然需要看起来更真实,所以我们用photoshop添加了一些细节,用真实的照片来添加细节。许多小旗,大旗,小彩纸飞扬,我们在球场上也做了同样的事。现在背景已经准备好了,我们进入了过程的第二部分。我们做了一个选择,为照片拍摄选择粉丝。球衣是空白的,所以数字可以用数字来增加,我们也使用了球队的大旗。我们不确定我们是否应该在工作室或室外拍摄照片,所以我们决定最好的地方是在一个真正的楼梯上,所以我们选择了著名的“Escadaria da Lapa”,这样我们就可以复制相同的角度和光线。拍完照片后,我们只需要把模特放在体育场的位置,然后完成一些最后的颜色细节。希望你们喜欢最后的结果。荣誉:CGI - Felipe EckhardtRetouch - Helena Lopes / Marc ReccoPhoto - Alexandre Salgado案例研究体育场3d。

In this case study you will learn step by step how this image was created, with a mix of 3d, photoshop, and photography. The authors also narrated how everything was done so you can understand all the process. Enjoy!We were approached by TIM with a big challenge: to recreate a stadium during a soccer match with players on the field being watched by a huge crowd. We also needed to keep a symmetric balance between the two crowds of fans from rival teams.The first part of productions was to decide how to create the stadium in a way that it wouldn't look like the stadium of either team, making it a neutral ground. After long research for the ideal stadium we realized that the modern stadiums are very alike and we opted to go with 3D so we could actually create our own instead of replicating a stadium that already exists. o
nce we modeled the stadium we needed to give it some life by adding the fans making the stadium look as full as possible with both crowds divided exactly in the middle. The result we got using 3D was incredible, we were able to put thousands of people in the stadium making it full capacity. But the scene still needed to look more real so we added some small details using photoshop, using real photos to add details made all the difference. Many small flags, big flags, small colorful papers flying and we did the same with the players on the field. Now that the background was ready we moved into the second part of the process. We did a casting to select fans for the photo shoot. The jerseys were blank so the numbers could be added digitally, we also used big flags of the teams. We weren't sure if we should shoot the photos on the studio or outside so we decided that the best place for it would be outside on an actually stairway so we picked the famous "Escadaria da Lapa" that way we could reproduce the same angle and light needed. After the photos were done we just needed to finish the post production by positio
ning the models on the stadium and to finish up some last color details. Hope you guys liked the final result. Credits:CGI - Felipe EckhardtRetouch - Helena Lopes / Marc ReccoPhoto - Alexandre Salgado case study stadium 3d