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Giampaolo Miraglia的3D几何插图

2018-05-07 1119 0
我喜欢花时间浏览Behance、DeviantArt、Dribbble等网站,看看人们在做什么。我曾经在90年代和21世纪初用书籍,去书店,不倦地浏览设计书籍和杂志。网络使这个过程更容易在信息和人才的数量上,我们可以从但更困难的时候来寻找质量。有些作品在其他作品中脱颖而出。这就是Giampaolo Miraglia的例子。Giampaolo是一位在罗马的艺术总监和平面设计师。他的作品混合了几何三维效果图和复古风格。

I like to spend my time browsing Behance, DeviantArt, Dribbble and other websites to see what people are doing. I used to do that back in the 90s and early 2000s with books, going to bookstores and just browsing through design books and magazines tirelessly. The web made this process easier in terms of the amount of information and talent we can draw inspiration from but more difficult when it comes to seeking quality. Some works simply stand out among the rest. That's the case of Giampaolo Miraglia illustrations.Giampaolo is an art director and graphic designer based in Rome. His work mixes geometric 3D renderings with a nice retro style. VOIDOLYMPIC GAMES 2012No Man's LandHYPER SPORTSFor more information visit http://www.giampaolomiraglia.com/ illustration 3d geometric inspiration retro