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Anaglyph 3D灵感

2018-05-07 1855 7
Anaglyph 3D是通过使用不同颜色(通常是颜色相反)的颜色(通常是红色和青色)对每个眼睛的图像进行编码来实现的立体3D效果的名称。Anaglyph 3D图像包含两种不同的滤色图像,一种用于每只眼睛。当通过“彩色编码”的“浮雕眼镜”观看时,每一幅图像都达到一只眼睛,显示出一个完整的立体影像。大脑的视觉皮层将其融合为对三维场景或构图的感知。通过维基百科这篇文章,我们从马克·拉姆齐(Mark Ramsey)那里挑选了一些很酷的图片,他是一个有平面设计学位的41岁男孩,他说这是没有用的,但是你今天在这里看到的作品可能会证明他是错的。

Anaglyph 3D is the name given to the stereoscopic 3D effect achieved by means of encoding each eye's image using filters of different (usually chromatically opposite) colors, typically red and cyan. Anaglyph 3D images contain two differently filtered colored images, one for each eye. When viewed through the "color-coded" "anaglyph glasses", each of the two images reaches one eye, revealing an integrated stereoscopic image. The visual cortex of the brain fuses this into perception of a three dimensional scene or composition. Via WikipediaIn this post we selected some really cool Anaglyph images from Mark Ramsey, a 41-year old guy with a Graphic Design degree, he says it's unused but the work you can see today here might prove him wrong.Zombie Playground 3-D conversionFuture City 3-D conversionNeuron 3-D conversionCool Cat 3-D conversionDon't Look Down! 3-D conversionDrawing Hands 3-DValkyrie 3-D conversionThe Avengers 3-D conversionGame of Life 3-D conversionCobbled Wings 3-D conversionThe Amazing Spiderman 3-D conversionCreatng a God 3-D conversionNation Red 3-D conversionZombie Horde 3-D conversionFor more information visit http://mvramsey.deviantart.com/# anaglyph stereoscopic inspiration illustrations 3d