我们已经在过去的Abduzeedo上展示了非常有才华的拉斐尔·瓦勒德的作品,我们很高兴能再一次发表关于他和他的作品的文章。这次,他以一段令人惊叹的视频制作了他美丽的艺术作品《醉鬼外星人》,获得了CGSociety的10个CGChallenge的建模奖。“我真的很高兴知道这个!”也很惊讶,因为我没想过要拿模特奖!非常感谢CGSociety这幅图片的灵感来自于我们的朋友,我们正在进行头脑风暴。这张照片是在工作后的两个月里拍摄的。有很多事情我想继续做下去,但在某些时候,你必须把它叫做“完成”。最后一个片段:伟大的技巧,对细节的关注和三个角色所传达的情感。让我微笑,想和这些人一起打。-评委们对来自Rafael Vallaperde Vimeo的10名醉酒外星人的评论。

We have featured the work of the very talented Rafael Vallaperde here on Abduzeedo in the past and we are very happy to post a
bout him and his work o
nce again. This time, with an awesome making-of video of his beautiful artwork called "Drunk Aliens", winner of the Modeling prize in TEN CGChallenge by CGSociety.'I’m really happy to know this! Also surprised, because I didn't think of nailing the modeling prize! Thank you very much CGSociety The inspiration to create this image came from friends as we were playing on brainstorming something a
bout TEN. This image was created in two mo
nths working on a second shift after work. There are many things I'd like to keep working on, but at some point you’ve just got to call it done.Final pieceDetailsDavid Hornick: Great technique, attention to detail and the emotion co
nveyed by the three characters is bang on. Makes me smile and want to have a shot with these guys. - Judges' commentsMaking of CG Challenge-Ten Drunk Aliens from Rafael Vallaperde on Vimeo.For more information and to check out Rafael's portfolio visit http://rafaelvallaperde.tumblr.com/ 3d modeling inspiring making of case study