印刷术是设计中最令人兴奋和吸引人的领域之一。它不仅要用文字来传达信息,而且要为信息的语气和上下文设置信息。有各种各样的符号和字符,有些语言,比如日本人,有不可思议的符号。现在想象一下在优雅的3D中。这就是Kanbara想要创造的东西。他的平假名的3D模型简直太美了,尽管我根本不知道它们的含义。平假名是日语的一个音节,是日本书写体系的一个基本组成部分,与katakana, kanji,在某些情况下是拉丁字母的字母表(日语中称为romaji)。平假名和片假名都是kana系统;他们有对应的字符集,每个kana或字符表示一个mora(日语中的一个声音)。每个假名是元音,比如“a”(平假名あ);一个辅音字母后跟一个元音,比如“咔”(平假名か);或“n”(平假名ん)鼻响音,根据上下文,听起来也像英语m,n,ng([ŋ]),或者像法国的鼻元音。-维基百科日本人的知识非常有限,但没有人否认这些图片是令人惊奇的。

Typography is one of the most exciting and intriguing areas of design. It's respo
nsible to communicate the message not o
nly with words but setting the mood and co
ntext for the message. There are all sorts of symbols and characters and some languages like Japanese have incredible symbols. Now imagine all of that in elegant 3D. That's what the Hideo Kanbara decided to create. His 3D prototypes of the Hiragana are nothing less than beautiful, even though I don't have any idea of the meaning of them..Hiragana is a Japanese syllabary, one basic compo
nent of the Japanese writing system, along with katakana, kanji, and in some cases the Latin-s
cript alphabet (referred to in Japanese as romaji). Hiragana and katakana are both kana systems; they have correspo
nding character sets in which each kana, or character, represents one mora (one sound in the Japanese language). Each kana is either a vowel such as "a" (hiragana あ); a co
nsonant followed by a vowel such as "ka" (hiragana か); or "n" (hiragana ん), a nasal so
norant which, depending on the context, sounds either like English m, n, or ng ([ŋ]), or like the nasal vowels of French. - WikipediaOur japanese knowledge is very limited but there's no denial that these images are simply amazing.For more information visit http://www.barakan.jp/ Typography japanese art hiragana 3d inspiration