每日呈现:多维UI是由Fyn Ng在其Behance配置文件中创建并共享的插图、动态图形和UI/UX项目。虽然Fyn没有很多信息,但是这些插图对于项目的意义是很有描述性的。基本上,Fyn创建了三维用户界面。toggle, map和Instagram的例子非常聪明和漂亮。我不相信有这样的界面,但是这是一个很好的日常挑战,我确信Fyn通过它学到了很多。在工具方面,Maxon Cinema 4D和Octane在这篇文章中使用了插图。Fyn NgFyn是一位来自新加坡的运动设计师,目前在纽约的Razorfish工作。也许是由于我的INFJ个性,我对设计的热情在苹果公司实习期间被介绍给用户中心设计后更加强烈。我很感兴趣的是,它如何为人们提供流畅、有意义的体验。定义一个品牌的运动语言极大地增强了与用户的情感联系。我期待着在一个以用户为中心的公司里应用我的运动设计技巧来帮助建立它的品牌,给用户带来快乐。插图插图3 d界面

Daily Renders: Dimensio
nal UI is an illustration, motion graphics and UI/UX project created and shared by Fyn Ng on his Behance profile. There's a not a lot of information shared by Fyn but the illustrations are quite des
criptive in terms of what the project is all a
bout. Basically Fyn created three dimensio
nal user interface, literally. The toggles, map and Instagram examples are quite clever and beautiful. I don't believe there is any desire on havin
g interfaces like that, however it's a lovely daily challenge and I am sure Fyn learned quite a bit by doing it. In terms of tools, Maxon Cinema 4D and Octane were using to create the illustration pieces shared in this post.a
bout Fyn NgFyn is a motion designer from Singapore, currently ba
sed in New York working at Razorfish. For more information make sure to check out his website at http://fynng.com/Perhaps due to my INFJ personality, my passion towards design heightened after being introduced to user-centered design during an internship at Apple. I am intrigued by how it can provide people with smooth, meaningful experiences. Defining a brand's motion language greatly enhances emotio
nal co
nnection with its users. I look forward to the day I can apply my Motion Design skills in a user-centered company to help build its brand and bring joy to users.Illustration illustration interface 3d