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2018-05-15 2520 13163
上个月,我们都被这场争论的预告片砸碎了,还在拍电影:《贝壳里的幽灵》(Ghost in the Shell)。我亲自看了预告片,很喜欢。我喜欢他们如何努力使它尽可能接近动画系列。这也是一件伟大的事情,在船上也有GITS的创造者。我们正在从Furio Tedeschi的作品和他的3D/数字艺术对项目的贡献。Furio Tedeschi是一位在派拉蒙电影公司(Paramount Pictures)的3D角色艺术家。他目前居住在南非的约翰内斯堡。他创造了很多角色,从《机械战警》,《星球大战》,《蝙蝠侠》,甚至《陌生人》里的怪物。我为GITS合作项目做的一些建模工作。特别感谢Gavriil Afanasyev Klimov, Christopher James Ford, Colin Thomas和Vaughan Ling没有这些人,这个项目是不可能的。数字艺术cgi 3 d

Last month, we were all smashed by the trailer of the controversy and still in the making movie: Ghost in the Shell. I personally watched the trailer and loved it. I liked how they make an effort to keep it close as possible to the animated series. It’s also a great thing to have the Creator of GITS onboard as well. We are taking at the work from Furio Tedeschi and his 3D/digital art contribution to the project.Furio Tedeschi  is a 3D character artist over Paramount Pictures . where he is currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa. He has created a lot of characters going from the Robocop that we've featuerd before, Stars Wars, Batman and even that monster from Stranger Things.Some of the modeling work I did for the GITS collaborative project. Special Thanks to Gavriil Afanasyev Klimov , Christopher James Ford , Colin Thomas and Vaughan Ling without these guys this project would not have been possible.  digital art cgi 3d