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2018-05-15 1339 0
具有深度的脚本是Katt Phatt共享的一个排版项目,顾名思义,它是一组非常漂亮的3D类型,具有非常巧妙的深度使用。我们都习惯了用脚本语言来看到引号和短语,这在几年前是很流行的。Katt所做的就是利用Z轴来创造一个超级新鲜的效果。甚至还有一些深度的领域正在进行,作者Katt Phatt是来自南非约翰内斯堡的设计师。他的重点是数字艺术和插图。排版3d。

scripts with Depth is a typography project shared by Katt Phatt and as the name suggests it is a set of beautiful 3D type with a super clever usage of depth. We are all used to seeing quotes and phrase with script lettering, it was quite trendy a couple of years ago. What Katt did was to play with the Z axis to create a super fresh effect. There's even some depth of field going on, check it outTypographyabout the author Katt Phatt is designer from Johannesburg, South Africa. His focus is on digital art and illustration. For more information check out http://kattphatt.com/ Typography 3d