nur Dursun那里得到的令人惊叹的CGI工作,他已经是一个CGI艺术家,目前在德国斯图加特工作了10多年。有了这么多的经验来磨练他的技能,Onur一直在艺术指导、润饰和汽车设计上摇摆。具有10年以上计算机生成图像(CGI)经验。3d cgi汽车设计汽车。

It’s always impressive that somehow you’ll look at a photograph and you’re not even sure if it’s real or not. I am especially talking a
bout car photographs, we understand that is a tremendous amount of work to just finding the location, getting the equipment, getting the special car and crew to just organize everything together. What if there’s another route?Let’s not pick a side, let’s rather enjoy the stunning CGI work from o
nur Dursun who has been a CGI artist for more than 10 years currently ba
sed in Stuttgart, Germany. With that much experience to craft his skills, o
nur has been rocking in art direction, retouching and of course automotive design.Experienced with over 10 years in Computer Generated Imagery (CGI).More Information via Behance. 3d cgi automotive design cars