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2018-05-15 1164 0
听到来自Adode MAX的消息,他们介绍(即将到来)项目Felix。一个你可以轻松创建2D和3D资产的产品,听起来很神奇。当它即将到来的时候,我们非常欣赏Autodesk 3DS MAX的艺术家们所做的一切,我觉得在这里可以对你的合成材料、灯光等进行更多的控制。让我们来看看玛格丽塔·詹尼和丹尼斯·詹尼尼克为他们的作品所做的工作:“BEAST”。除了从《极乐世界》和《死亡竞赛》中获得灵感之外,我还不能停止把电视和涂鸦的背景与即将上映的《正义联盟》(Justice League)电影中的《闪电侠》(lair)相提并论。我受到了《极乐世界》和《死亡竞赛》等电影的启发,我也想做些类似的事情。我在Zbrush和GTR的模型和图书馆的道具。数字艺术3 d cgi

Hearing news from Adode MAX where they introduced (coming soon) the Project Felix. A product where you’ll be able to easily create 2D and 3D assets, that sounds like it could be amazing. While it’s coming soon, we rather appreciate what’s been done by artists in Autodesk 3DS MAX where I feel there is more control for your composites, lighting and etc. Let’s take a look of what Margarita Zhitnik and Denis Zhitnik have been working on for their piece called: BEAST. Other than getting inspired by Elysium and Death Race, I can’t stop referring the background with the TVs and Graffiti to the Flash’s lair from the upcoming Justice League movie.I was inspired by such films as Elysium and Death Race and I wanted to do something similar. Car I did in Zbrush and the GTR's model and props from libraries. Thank you Denis Zhitnik for help with render and materials!More information via Behance. digital art 3d cgi